Main Features
  • All features of Handy Bible
  • Bible commentaries: MHCC, JFB, Clarke, Barnes, Gill, TSK free domaon commentaries included. A Commentary icon will be indicated and shown if available for that bible verse. Like NOTE window, this Commentary Window is also floating, hafl-transparent and movable so can have it on all the time while reading bible text. Eaily switch to next available Commentary with Next/Previous button.
  • Tools for bible study, includes:
    • Compare Translation: show all available bible translations with one single winodw
    • Dictionary: includes Easton, Nave, Smiths, ISBE, Morrish. Search any exact or partial of keyword.
    • Strong Number Concordance: includes Hebrew/Greek Definitions and Verse References. Search and look up each Strong Number.
    • Bible with Strong Number: includes KJV with Strong Number text. For each Strong Number, can have a floating window to show the definition of each Strong Number.
    • Maps/Art: Have "The Complete Sunday School Atlas", "The Rand-McNally Bible Atlas" and "Dore's Bible Illustrations" public domain maps/art * Tools-Reading Plan: create personal daily bible reading plan based on your choices of bible books and duration. Includes 4 examples of bible reading plans.
    • Reading Plan: create personal daily bible reading plan based on your choices of bible books and duration. Includes 4 examples of bible reading plans. 
    • All the above can be exported from Copy Text or Email Text.
    • Latest features info update from App Store



  • 所有"隨手讀中文聖經"的功能
  • 注釋: 包含MHCC, JFB, Clarke, Barnes, Gill, TSK. 如同"個人筆記",若該節經文帶有注釋,該注釋圖標會顯示在該節經文旁邊.此注釋Window是浮動的, 半透明和可移動的, 這樣可以同時閱讀聖經經文和個人筆記以及注釋.
  • 聖經研讀工具:
    • 經文合參:在同一視窗顯示所有不同經文版本,以便對照比較.
    • 搜尋字典:包含Easton, Nave, Smiths, ISBE, Morrish.. 可任意搜尋整個或部分關鍵字詞.
    • Strong Number 原文字典查詢:包含舊約希伯來文/新約希臘文原文定意,並列出參考到該原文的經文.
    • 聖經加註Strong Number查詢:包含KJV以及和合本(繁,簡)加註Strong Number.浮動, 半透明和可移動的Window, 顯示該Strong Number的定義,並列出參考到該原文的經文.
    • 聖經地圖史畫: 現有"The Complete Sunday School Atlas","The Rand-McNally Bible Atlas" and "Dore's Bible Illustrations" maps/art
    • 讀經計畫: 可以按照個人讀經進度來建立在多少週/月/年之內來研讀多少聖經書卷的每日讀經計畫.內附四個讀經計畫以供參考. 
    • 所有以上功能均可複製或email出去
    • 最新更新訊息,請參閱App Store